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                                                                  Coronavirus Information Updates

                                                                  For information or immediate concerns contact administration at 501-882-4500
                                                                  or email us at: ASUBCares@asub.edu or see the FAQ section on the link.





                                                                  • Plan my future.
                                                                  • Take college classes while still in high school.
                                                                  • 网络加速器免费破解
                                                                  • Advance my education and skills.
                                                                  • Visit the Vanguard Hub.
                                                                  • Visit for a semester.


                                                                  Advising and Orientation

                                                                  Don't know what classes to take? Click here and connect with your advisor.

                                                                  Degrees And Certificates

                                                                  Want to know what we offer? Click here

                                                                  Transfer Options

                                                                  Needing to transfer? No problem, we have options!


                                                                  Concurrent Enrollment

                                                                  Concurrent enrollment enables students to get a jump on their degree path by gaining college credits while still in high school.

                                                                  Vanguard Academies

                                                                  Click here to learn more about Vanguard Academies through your high school.

                                                                  Regional Career Center

                                                                  Courses taken at the Regional Career Center are full academic credit through your high school. Students are also eligible to receive concurrent college credit for most of our programs.



                                                                  Meet our staff and locations.

                                                                  GED Testing

                                                                  The ASU-Beebe Adult Education Centers offer Official GED® Testing on the Searcy campus. 

                                                                  Services Offered

                                                                  ASUB Adult Ed offers a variety of services and trainings to better prepare the community for the workforce.


                                                                  Workforce Education

                                                                  These short-term classes are usually offered at night, weekends, or online and are designed to enhance personal or professional skills. 


                                                                  The Continuing Education/Workforce Development Department at ASU-Beebe sponsors numerous non-credit classes that are designed to meet the needs of the general public and business workforce.

                                                                  Advanced Programs

                                                                  Through a partnership between A-State and ASUB, students may earn baccalaureate degrees from Arkansas State University by taking coursework at the Degree Center on the Beebe campus.


                                                                  Log into the Vanguard Portal

                                                                  Your portal to your Vanguard Future!


                                                                  Request an Official Transcript

                                                                  Get your transcript sent where you need it.

                                                                  Need Something Else?

                                                                  Visit the Vanguard Hub for all your student resources.



                                                                  Visiting Students are enrolled at a college seeking credit for course work at another college.


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                                                                  Vanguard Hub

                                                                  Visit the Vanguard Hub for all your student resources.

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